Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The freshest...

These new works were created while working in my studio installation as part of my current exhibition Selective Evidence at the ddp gallery.

A Small Map of the Past
mixed media on canvas
Megan Chapman 2009
(sold today while drying in the gallery window!!)

Desire Suspended
mixed media on canvas
Megan Chapman 2009

The Connection is Sealed
mixed media on canvas
Megan Chapman 2009

A Promise
mixed media on canvas
Megan Chapman 2009


geri adams said...

I like the one on the very bottom...the depth to it is great!

Debs Burrow said...

I love the first one - could have so many things to say.
The last one is great too.
All in all a successful DDP-studio-space-production-of-paintings! :)

Heather Jerdee said...

These are stunning, their is a couple that really grab me and that bottom one does have a beautiful depth to it.

Anonymous said...

Desire Suspended - great title for my fav :)
The way things are going, I may just be able to afford one soon! ♥

Sheree Rensel said...

I like them ALL. You are doing a great job!